

Raspbian stretch で動画再生プレーヤを探す(VLC,OmxPlayer,kodi)





プレーヤ 概要
VLC Player コンパイルしないとハードウェア支援なし
OmxPlayer ラズパイ用(デフォルトでインストールされている)
kodi ISO対応


$ omxplayer --version
omxplayer - Commandline multimedia player for the Raspberry Pi
        Build date: Wed, 05 Jul 2017 16:40:39 +0100
        Version   : 5a25a57 [debian]
        Repository: git@github.com:XECDesign/omxplayer.git
$ omxplayer --help

    -h  --help                  Print this help
    -v  --version               Print version info
    -k  --keys                  Print key bindings
    -n  --aidx  index           Audio stream index    : e.g. 1
    -o  --adev  device          Audio out device      : e.g. hdmi/local/both/alsa[:device]
    -i  --info                  Dump stream format and exit
    -I  --with-info             dump stream format before playback
    -s  --stats                 Pts and buffer stats
    -p  --passthrough           Audio passthrough
    -d  --deinterlace           Force deinterlacing
        --nodeinterlace         Force no deinterlacing
        --nativedeinterlace     let display handle interlace
        --anaglyph type         convert 3d to anaglyph
        --advanced[=0]          Enable/disable advanced deinterlace for HD videos (default enabled)
    -w  --hw                    Hw audio decoding
    -3  --3d mode               Switch tv into 3d mode (e.g. SBS/TB)
    -M  --allow-mvc             Allow decoding of both views of MVC stereo stream
    -y  --hdmiclocksync         Display refresh rate to match video (default)
    -z  --nohdmiclocksync       Do not adjust display refresh rate to match video
    -t  --sid index             Show subtitle with index
    -r  --refresh               Adjust framerate/resolution to video
    -g  --genlog                Generate log file
    -l  --pos n                 Start position (hh:mm:ss)
    -b  --blank[=0xAARRGGBB]    Set the video background color to black (or optional ARGB value)
        --loop                  Loop file. Ignored if file not seekable
        --no-boost-on-downmix   Don't boost volume when downmixing
        --vol n                 set initial volume in millibels (default 0)
        --amp n                 set initial amplification in millibels (default 0)
        --no-osd                Do not display status information on screen
        --no-keys               Disable keyboard input (prevents hangs for certain TTYs)
        --subtitles path        External subtitles in UTF-8 srt format
        --font path             Default: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf
        --italic-font path      Default: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansOblique.ttf
        --font-size size        Font size in 1/1000 screen height (default: 55)
        --align left/center     Subtitle alignment (default: left)
        --no-ghost-box          No semitransparent boxes behind subtitles
        --lines n               Number of lines in the subtitle buffer (default: 3)
        --win 'x1 y1 x2 y2'     Set position of video window
        --win x1,y1,x2,y2       Set position of video window
        --crop 'x1 y1 x2 y2'    Set crop area for input video
        --crop x1,y1,x2,y2      Set crop area for input video
        --aspect-mode type      Letterbox, fill, stretch. Default: stretch if win is specified, letterbox otherwise
        --audio_fifo  n         Size of audio output fifo in seconds
        --video_fifo  n         Size of video output fifo in MB
        --audio_queue n         Size of audio input queue in MB
        --video_queue n         Size of video input queue in MB
        --threshold   n         Amount of buffered data required to finish buffering [s]
        --timeout     n         Timeout for stalled file/network operations (default 10s)
        --orientation n         Set orientation of video (0, 90, 180 or 270)
        --fps n                 Set fps of video where timestamps are not present
        --live                  Set for live tv or vod type stream
        --layout                Set output speaker layout (e.g. 5.1)
        --dbus_name name        default: org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.omxplayer
        --key-config <file>     Uses key bindings in <file> instead of the default
        --alpha                 Set video transparency (0..255)
        --layer n               Set video render layer number (higher numbers are on top)
        --display n             Set display to output to
        --cookie 'cookie'       Send specified cookie as part of HTTP requests
        --user-agent 'ua'       Send specified User-Agent as part of HTTP requests
        --lavfdopts 'opts'      Options passed to libavformat, e.g. 'probesize:250000,...'
        --avdict 'opts'         Options passed to demuxer, e.g., 'rtsp_transport:tcp,...'

For example:

    ./omxplayer -p -o hdmi test.mkv

 以下のようにしても再生されなかった。have a nice day ;)などと表示されて終わり。

$ omxplayer "ISOファイル.iso"
have a nice day ;)

$ sudo mount /path/to/the/ISO /mnt/iso -o loop,ro
sudo umount /mnt/iso
$ sudo mount /home/pi/root/db/iso/media/animation/eva/Eve 1 Scn.iso /mnt/iso -o loop,ro


  1. ラズパイのメニューボタンをクリックする
  2. 設定をクリックする
  3. Rasberry Pi の設定をクリックする
  4. パフォーマンスタブをクリックする
  5. GPUメモリ256にする
  6. 再起動する