

Raspbian stretch に PyQt5 をインストールする1(概要)



  • Raspbierry pi 3 Model B+
  • Raspbian stretch 2018-06-27
  • Qt 5.7.1




  • OS-Debian-Raspbian stretch
    • C++
      • Qt
    • pyenv
      • python
        • 2.x
        • 3.x
          • python venv: パッケージ仮想環境
          • pip: パッケージマネージャ

 QtはGUIツールライブラリでC++製。C++Pythonで使えるようにするPythonパッケージがSIPである。PyQt, PySideQtPythonラッパでありSIPを介してC++ライブラリであるQtPythonで使用可能にする。さらにPyQt, PySideのコード差異を吸収するラッパがqtpy



  1. Raspbian stretch に pyenv をインストールする
  2. pyenvpython3 をインストールする
  3. python3 venv で パッケージ仮想環境 Qt を作成し有効化する
  4. pipPyQt5 をインストールする
  5. テストコードで実行確認する



  1. 現状確認
  2. システム更新
  3. インストール
    • pyenv
      • python3
        • venv(パッケージ仮想環境作成)
          • Qt
            • pip(パッケージpyqt5インストール)

1. 現状確認


$ pyenv
bash: pyenv: コマンドが見つかりません
$ python --version
Python 2.7.13
$ python3 --version
Python 3.5.3
$ pip --version
pip 9.0.1 from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (python 2.7)
$ pip3 --version
pip 9.0.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (python 3.5)
ツール 概要
pyenv Pythonのバージョン管理
python, python3 Python本体(インタプリタ)
pip, pip3 Pythonパッケージマネージャ

2. システム更新

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade

3. インストール

3.1 コンパイラ一式


$ sudo apt-get install -y libssl-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev
この操作後に追加で 22.9 MB のディスク容量が消費されます。


$ sudo apt-get install -y git openssl libssl-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev
$ sudo apt-get install gcc make wget curl git openssl build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev


$ apt list | grep libncurses

 調べた限りでは以下。[インストール済み]がないものは未インストール。コマンド系(git, gcc, make, wget, curl)は実行するとすべて既存だったので割愛。

  • openssl/stable,stable,stable,stable,now 1.1.0f-3+deb9u2 armhf [インストール済み、自動]
  • libssl-dev/stable,stable,stable,stable 1.1.0f-3+deb9u2 armhf
  • libbz2-dev/stable,stable,stable,stable 1.0.6-8.1 armhf
  • libreadline-dev/stable,stable,stable,stable 7.0-3 armhf
  • libsqlite3-dev/stable,stable,stable,stable 3.16.2-5+deb9u1 armhf
  • build-essential/stable,stable,stable,stable,now 12.3 armhf [インストール済み]
  • zlib1g-dev/stable,stable,stable,stable,now 1:1.2.8.dfsg-5 armhf [インストール済み、自動]
  • llvm-3.8/stable,stable,stable,stable,now 1:3.8.1-24+rpi1 armhf [インストール済み、自動]
  • llvm-3.8-runtime/stable,stable,stable,stable,now 1:3.8.1-24+rpi1 armhf [インストール済み、自動]
  • libllvm3.8/stable,stable,stable,stable,now 1:3.8.1-24+rpi1 armhf [インストール済み、自動]
  • libllvm3.9/stable,stable,stable,stable,now 1:3.9.1-9+rpi1 armhf [インストール済み、自動]
  • libncurses5/stable,stable,stable,stable,now 6.0+20161126-1+deb9u2 armhf [インストール済み]
  • libncursesw5/stable,stable,stable,stable,now 6.0+20161126-1+deb9u2 armhf [インストール済み]
  • xz-utils/stable,stable,stable,stable,now 5.2.2-1.2 armhf [インストール済み]
  • tk-dev/stable,stable,stable,stable 8.6.0+9 armhf
対象 推測
libssl-dev ネットワーク通信。Python標準ライブラリにあるので必須?
libbz2-dev ファイル圧縮。Python標準ライブラリにあるので必須?
libreadline-dev CUI入力。Python標準ライブラリにあるので必須?
libsqlite3-dev データベース。Python標準ライブラリにあるので必須?
tk-dev GUIPython標準ライブラリにもあるがQtなどを使ってもいいので任意

3-2. pyenv

$ cd ~
$ curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yyuu/pyenv-installer/master/bin/pyenv-installer | bash


export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"



$ pyenv
pyenv 1.2.8
Usage: pyenv <command> [<args>]

Some useful pyenv commands are:
   commands    List all available pyenv commands
   local       Set or show the local application-specific Python version
   global      Set or show the global Python version
   shell       Set or show the shell-specific Python version
   install     Install a Python version using python-build
   uninstall   Uninstall a specific Python version
   rehash      Rehash pyenv shims (run this after installing executables)
   version     Show the current Python version and its origin
   versions    List all Python versions available to pyenv
   which       Display the full path to an executable
   whence      List all Python versions that contain the given executable

See `pyenv help <command>' for information on a specific command.
For full documentation, see: https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv#readme

3-3. Python

$ pyenv install --list



$ pyenv install 3.7.1
Downloading Python-3.7.1.tar.xz...
-> https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.7.1/Python-3.7.1.tar.xz
Installing Python-3.7.1...
Installed Python-3.7.1 to /home/pi/.pyenv/versions/3.7.1




$ pyenv versions
* system (set by /home/pi/.pyenv/version)


$ pyenv global


$ pyenv global 3.7.1


$ pyenv global

 python, pipコマンドも3.7.1になっている。

$ python -V
Python 3.7.1
$ pip -V
pip 10.0.1 from /home/pi/.pyenv/versions/3.7.1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip (python 3.7)

3-4. python venv で仮想環境をつくる

 パッケージの仮想環境を作る。(python venvサブコマンドはPython3.3から推奨されるパッケージ仮想環境作成ツールである)

$ cd /home/pi/root/env/py ※パッケージ仮想環境ファイル一式を作成したい任意ディレクトリ
$ python -m venv Qt



$ source /home/pi/root/env/py/Qt/bin/activate
(Qt) $


$ deactivate

3-4. pip で SIP をインストール


(Qt) $ pip install SIP
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://www.piwheels.org/simple
Collecting SIP
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement SIP (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for SIP

 Python 3.7.1でインストールできるSIPはないっぽい……。なお、3.6.7でも同様。

3-5. pip でPyQt5 をインストール


(Qt) $ pip list
Package    Version
---------- -------
pip        10.0.1 
setuptools 39.0.1 


(Qt) $ pip search pyqt5
PyQt5-sip (4.19.13)               - Python extension module support for
pyqt5-tools (          - Tools to supplement the official PyQt5
python-pyqt5-hexview (0.4.3)      - PyQt5 hex viewer widget.
PyQt5 (5.11.3)                    - Python bindings for the Qt cross
                                    platform UI and application toolkit
python-pyqt5-vstructui (0.4.0)    - PyQt5 vstruct hex viewer widget.
PyQt5-stubs (            - 
python-qt5 (0.3.0)                - PyQt5
pyqtspinner (0.1.1)               - A waiting spinner for PyQt5
pyqt5plus (0.1.180513.2115)       - Additional features to PyQt5
pySlipQt (0.5.1)                  - A slipmap widget for PyQt5
qtilities (0.6)                   - Utilities for PyQt5 development
pywiz (0.0.13)                    - A PyQt5 wizard package
altendpyqt5 (0.0.3)               - Extras for working with PyQt5.
pyssb (0.1.1)                     - PyQT5 Site Specific Browser
AnyQt (0.0.10)                    - PyQt4/PyQt5 compatibility layer.
Sonance-Music-Player (0.1.Alpha)  - This is a music player using PyQt5
qutepart (3.2.0)                  - Code editor component for PyQt5
pyqt-led (0.0.6)                  - Simple LED widget for PyQt5
pytc-gui (1.2.2)                  - PyQt5 GUI for pytc API
qt-ledwidget (0.2)                - PyQt5 widget with animated LEDs
yxspkg_songzgif (1.4.2)           - A GUI to make gif based on pyqt5
vext.pyqt5 (0.7.0)                - Use system pyqt5 from a virtualenv
persephonep (1.3.1)               - Web Browser developed by Python and
PyQt5Singleton (0.1)              - A simple singleton implementation to
                                    work with PyQt5
QCandyUi (0.12)                   - quick beautify your pyQt5 app
pyblish-qml (1.8.7)               - Frontend for Pyblish written in
cheesemaker (0.3.8)               - A minimalistic image viewer using
                                    Python3 and PyQt5
quartz-browser (2.2.8)            - Fast Lightweight web browser written in
pyqode.qt (2.10.0)                - Shim library that wraps PyQt5, PyQt4 and
fgmk (0.7.4)                      - A PyQt5 Maker to generate a RPG
                                    Javascript game.
hackedit (1.0a2)                  - The hackable IDE, built with Python3,
                                    PyQt5 and pyQode
logReader (0.7.6)                 - PyQt5 programm for parse and reading any
                                    log file.
pynoder (1.0.3)                   - A Python and PyQt5 package for creating
                                    a node-based editor.
qutebrowser (1.5.2)               - A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser
                                    based on PyQt5.
PyQtX (0.1.2)                     - Mimics the structure of PyQt5 but
                                    provides PyQt4 as a fallback solution.
python-qdatamatrix (0.1.18)       - A PyQt4/PyQt5 widget for viewing and
                                    editing a DataMatrix object
world2d (0.2.0)                   - A widget for PyQt5 implementing a 2d
                                    world space to draw in.
QtStuff (0.4)                     - Compatibility layer and helper classes
                                    for PySide/PyQt4/PyQt5
qt_backport (0.1.3)               - Makes PySide/PyQt4 code work with Qt5
                                    (using PyQt5)
Qt5.py (0.1.0)                    - Python 2 & 3 compatibility wrapper
                                    around PyQt5 and PySide2
tws-async (0.5.7)                 - Use the Interactive Brokers API (IBAPI)
                                    asynchonouslywith asyncio or PyQt5
qroundprogressbar (1.0.0)         - PyQt5 port of C++ circular progress bar
                                    widget library
TURP1210 (1.2.0)                  - A PyQt5 GUI framework for heavy vehicle
                                    diagnostic adapters using RP1210
txt2mobi3-app (0.2.1)             - A PyQt5 application for converting
                                    Chinese novel txt files into Kindle mobi
pyqt5ac (1.0.3)                   - Python module to automatically compile
                                    UI and RC files in PyQt5 to Python files
tv_viewer (1.1.3)                 - Python PyQt5 GUI to view tv program
                                    details using tvmaze API and SQLite
install-qt-binding (0.0.8)        - Automatic install a qt binding
                                    (pyside/pyside2/pyqt/pyqt5) that could
                                    install in the runtime environment
Qt.py (1.1.0)                     - Python 2 & 3 compatibility wrapper
                                    around all Qt bindings - PySide,
                                    PySide2, PyQt4 and PyQt5.
specguiutils (0.7.1)              - Library to provide PyQt5 widgets to
                                    display spec file information read using
                                    spec2nexus.spec file library
QtPy (1.5.2)                      - Provides an abstraction layer on top of
                                    the various Qt bindings (PyQt5, PyQt4
                                    and PySide) and additional custom
xcirculardichro (0.9.4)           - Library to provide PyQt5 widgets to
                                    display spec file information read using
                                    spec2nexus.spec file library
PyQt5Designer (5.10.1)            - Python bindings for the Qt cross
                                    platform UI designer,must set windows
                                    PATH Environment like this:     PATH=D:\
QtPyConvert (3.1.0)               - An automatic Python Qt binding
                                    transpiler to the Qt.py abstraction
                                    layer. It aims to help in your
                                    modernization of your Python Qt code.
                                    QtPyConvert supports the following
                                    bindings out of the box: PyQt4, PySide,
                                    PyQt5, PySide2. It also has experimental
                                    support for defining your own bindings.
(Qt) $ pip install


$ pip freeze > pip_freeze.txt
$ pip install -r pip_freeze.txt


$ sudo apt search pyenv
ソート中... 完了
全文検索... 完了  
direnv/stable,stable,stable,stable 2.10.0-2 armhf
  Utility to set directory specific environment variables



$ sudo apt search pyqt5
ソート中... 完了
全文検索... 完了  
pyqt5-dev/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 all
  Development files for PyQt5

pyqt5-dev-tools/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Development tools for PyQt5

pyqt5-doc/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 all
  Documentation for PyQt5

pyqt5-examples/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 all
  Examples and demos for PyQt5

pyqt5.qsci-dev/stable,stable,stable,stable 2.9.3+dfsg-4 all
  Development files for Python Qscintilla2 (Qt5)

python-dbus-dev/stable,stable,stable,stable 1.2.4-1 all
  main loop integration development files for python-dbus

python-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  D-Bus Qt main loop support for Python 2

python-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  D-Bus Qt main loop support for Python 2 (debug extension)

python-pyqt5/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5

python-pyqt5-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5 (debug extensions)

python-pyqt5.qsci/stable,stable,stable,stable 2.9.3+dfsg-4 armhf
  Python bindings for QScintilla 2 with Qt 5

python-pyqt5.qsci-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 2.9.3+dfsg-4 armhf
  Python bindings for QScintilla 2 (Qt 5 debug extensions)

python-pyqt5.qtmultimedia/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's Multimedia module

python-pyqt5.qtmultimedia-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's Multimedia module (debug extensions)

python-pyqt5.qtopengl/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's OpenGL module

python-pyqt5.qtopengl-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's OpenGL module (debug extension)

python-pyqt5.qtpositioning/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for QtPositioning module

python-pyqt5.qtpositioning-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for QtPositioning module (debug extension)

python-pyqt5.qtquick/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for QtQuick module

python-pyqt5.qtquick-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for QtQuick module (debug extensions)

python-pyqt5.qtsensors/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for QtSensors module

python-pyqt5.qtsensors-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for QtSensors module (debug extension)

python-pyqt5.qtserialport/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for QtSerialPort module

python-pyqt5.qtserialport-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for QtSerialPort module (debug extension)

python-pyqt5.qtsql/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's SQL module

python-pyqt5.qtsql-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's SQL module (debug extension)

python-pyqt5.qtsvg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's SVG module

python-pyqt5.qtsvg-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's SVG module (debug extension)

python-pyqt5.qtwebchannel/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's WebChannel module

python-pyqt5.qtwebchannel-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's Webchannel module (debug extension)

python-pyqt5.qtwebkit/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module

python-pyqt5.qtwebkit-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module (debug extensions)

python-pyqt5.qtwebsockets/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's WebSockets module

python-pyqt5.qtwebsockets-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's WebSockets module (debug extension)

python-pyqt5.qtx11extras/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for QtX11Extras module

python-pyqt5.qtx11extras-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for QtX11Extras module (debug extension)

python-pyqt5.qtxmlpatterns/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's XmlPatterns module

python-pyqt5.qtxmlpatterns-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 2 bindings for Qt5's XmlPatterns module (debug extension)

python-qtpy/stable,stable,stable,stable 1.2.1-2 all
  abtraction layer for PySide/PyQt4/PyQt5 (Python 2)

python3-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  D-Bus Qt main loop support for Python 3

python3-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  D-Bus Qt main loop support for Python 3 (debug extension)

python3-pyqt5/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5

python3-pyqt5-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5 (debug extensions)

python3-pyqt5.qsci/stable,stable,stable,stable 2.9.3+dfsg-4 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2 with Qt 5

python3-pyqt5.qsci-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 2.9.3+dfsg-4 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2 (Qt 5 debug extensions)

python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's Multimedia module

python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's Multimedia module (debug extensions)

python3-pyqt5.qtopengl/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's OpenGL module

python3-pyqt5.qtopengl-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's OpenGL module (debug extension)

python3-pyqt5.qtpositioning/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for QtPositioning module

python3-pyqt5.qtpositioning-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for QtPositioning module (debug extension)

python3-pyqt5.qtquick/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for QtQuick module

python3-pyqt5.qtquick-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for QtQuick module (debug extension)

python3-pyqt5.qtsensors/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for QtSensors module

python3-pyqt5.qtsensors-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for QtSensors module (debug extension)

python3-pyqt5.qtserialport/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for QtSerialPort module

python3-pyqt5.qtserialport-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for QtSerialPort module (debug extension)

python3-pyqt5.qtsql/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SQL module

python3-pyqt5.qtsql-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SQL module (debug extension)

python3-pyqt5.qtsvg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SVG module

python3-pyqt5.qtsvg-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SVG module (debug extension)

python3-pyqt5.qtwebchannel/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebChannel module

python3-pyqt5.qtwebchannel-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's Webchannel module (debug extension)

python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module

python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module (debug extensions)

python3-pyqt5.qtwebsockets/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebSockets module

python3-pyqt5.qtwebsockets-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebSockets module (debug extensions)

python3-pyqt5.qtx11extras/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for QtX11Extras module

python3-pyqt5.qtx11extras-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for QtX11Extras module (debug extension)

python3-pyqt5.qtxmlpatterns/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's XmlPatterns module

python3-pyqt5.qtxmlpatterns-dbg/stable,stable,stable,stable 5.7+dfsg-5 armhf
  Python 3 bindings for Qt5's XmlPatterns module (debug extension)

python3-qtpy/stable,stable,stable,stable 1.2.1-2 all
  abtraction layer for PySide/PyQt4/PyQt5 (Python 3)



 ついにQtアプリの第一歩を踏み出した! まだ自分でコード1行も書いてないけどね。